Ash Ambirge Prioritizes Ease

Ash Ambirge is the founder of the Meat & Hair creative writing newsletter, author of the Penguin Random House book The Middle Finger Project: Trash Your Imposter Syndrome and Live the Unf*ckwithable Life You Deserve and "Instructor of Delight". According to the Middle Finger Project, Ash is a “trailer park girl from Pennsylvania who became a self-made millionaire by believing in her ideas.” We’re so grateful for her, because she’s been with SamCart for a really long time. Deliver Delight When You Write Boring writing doesn’t sell, and Ash knows that. That’s why her brand, Meat & Hair exists. “It's for you if you write content, and you feel like everything you write sounds like Mr. Rogers ate a soccer mom.” Meat & Hair exists to help businesses write more creatively in one minute per day. Ash knows that content is what the Internet feeds on, so services like hers will be in high demand as long as the Internet is around. “I read a stat the other day that said that 50% of the time that you're spending online, your reading content!” Ash’s larger company prides itself on building the most fun-to-read newsletter in the world. On the back end of that she sells digital products, online courses and membership groups. This is where SamCart came into play for her. “I stumbled upon SamCart when I was looking for a great way to do upsells…no one had this technology back then, right? You had to have custom coders and developers, and it was a nightmare.”

If you can’t tell by now, Ash is the type of person who likes to roll up their sleeves, and get their hands dirty. “I need to be able to get in, and switch things up. Tweak copy here and there, and I didn't have the time, the patience, the resources to be like handing that off to a developing team all the time. So when I found SamCart for the first time I was so excited, and I’ve been using it ever since.”

Use Likability to Your Best Ability
Ash uses likability when doing business and adds a touch of delight to help business go a long way. She scrubs the Internet for some of the best content for her audience, so people can sharpen their writing skills. She used SamCart to test conversions to a cold audience, which is one of the hardest things to do in business and absolutely crushed it with this page.

“I recently ran kind of just a soft launch and kept it only to cold subscribers, ads, people who have no idea who I am, and we ended up converting at 10% of the people who got my emails and then were driven to that exact page…so now we’re going to try to bring it to a bigger audience.” Ten percent conversion, especially from a cold audience, is beyond huge. That’s a huge testament to how well she is serving her audience. What’s even more amazing is that she's doing this strictly via email. Being able to easily run a business from a phone, tablet or laptop is the dream for millions of people. Ash’s business model totally allows for that. It’s all about ease. “We’re prioritizing ease. Everything is going to feel easy, and every time I have a big business decision to make that’s the question I’m asking myself. ‘Which one feels more like ease?,’ and this is it.”

Ease is at the heart of SamCart. That’s why pride ourselves on being the best and easiest tool for creating amazing sales pages and adding tools to make selling as easy as possible. “One of the things I love about SamCart is the One-Click Upsell. You can’t beat it.”

We always say that if you give customers the opportunity to buy more they usually will. That doesn’t just go for themselves but when buying gifts for other people. Like just about every other SamCart creator, Ash is a huge fan of Order Bumps and Product Gifting.
“We never had a great way to send somebody a gift. Sure we could ring them up a coupon, and send it via email, but it wasn’t a beautiful way to give someone a gift.” It’s typical when starting a business for people to want to do everything themselves, or use tools that might save them a few dollars, but costs them a ton of time…which costs them money in the long run. “There’s a couple of things that you really want to invest in early. One of them is converting on your sales page.”

The Instructor of Delight makes it clear. “You have so many people who are finding your website. They are coming to you. They are checking you out, but if it doesn’t look trustworthy, if it doesn’t look modern, they’re not going to take the chance.”
Take the Chance
Join over 23,000 other creators who have used SamCart to sell more than $2 billion of their own products, goods and services. Check out our plans, and grab a free demo today.

Real team members are at your service seven days a week. Our Knowledge Base is also a great resource if you have any questions. We’ve created powerful features to multiply your sales. Our beautiful pre-designed templates help creators launch products faster than ever. SamCart makes running your online business simple.