How Remiah Trask Earns Six Figures Through Web Design

Meet Remiah Trask. He's a web designer and digital business consultant based in Baton Rouge, LA. He's got quite the résumé, and we love his story, because it's so relatable. He launched the web design and marketing agency, Design Baton Rouge, in 2010. He’s also the author of You Can Build a FREAKING AMAZING WEBSITE: Even If You Have Zero Creative Ability. Disrupt Magazine also named him one of the Top 10 Business Coaches To Look Out For In 2021 and 10 Leading Website & Web Designers to Watch in 2021. Check out Remiah's talk with SamCart's Resident Success Coach, Michael Gebben AKA "Gebbs" AKA "The Mind Mechanic" in our most recent 1 Page Wednesday spotlight.
Remiah comes from a long line of entrepreneurs, but he actually got into it by accident. His friend’s wife needed a website for her organization. He took a few college courses where he learned how to build sites, so he gave it a shot. Remiah’s wife told him he was pretty good and encouraged him to keep going. So he went to his office (AKA the kitchen table) and created a $300 web design package. He went door-to-door the next day and closed two deals. His boss at the time knew about his side hustle and was fine with it as long as Remiah did what was needed of him. Remiah thought his job was a roadblock to his entrepreneurial destination. During a conversation with his boss, Remiah's boss said he thought Remiah wouldn't make a good business person. That stung a bit. He took a leap of faith. Remiah was now Remiah's boss, and two and a half years later he reached six figures in 2016. This was when he felt it would benefit him to hire some help, so he could focus on continuing to grow the business. He'll admit that copywriting wasn't his favorite thing to do but understood how important it was to his business. The great news for people like him (and you) is that the official SamCart Fiverr Marketplace has professionals ready to tackle everything from copywriting, graphic design and advertising to PDF creation for your digital downloads and so much more. SamCart didn't come into the picture for Remiah until 2019 after watching a webinar. Before SamCart, he tried WordPress, Woo Commerce and Leadpages, but they were just too much work and inefficient. Remiah didn't use SamCart for about eight months but when he did, his business, "Doubled, plus a little bit.” Like many, Remiah was forced to get creative during the pandemic. He wanted to diversify his business. He was more focused on providing services, but he knew he needed to adjust, so he productized his services. "That was the gamechanger for me." Not only did his business more than double with SamCart, but business got easier, less time-consuming and less frustrating.
This Next Paragraph is Frustrating
"Before SamCart I would do a consultation. I would send a proposal. They would accept the proposal. I had a proposal that was attached to the deposit. So if they accepted it, they could pay right away, but then the second half, I had to send an invoice...that takes time...maybe somebody says, 'the proposal is great, but can we make some changes?' Now we’re making changes, so now I have to do another invoice, because now the proposal payment is no good. That’s just taking my time.” Now Remiah just does his consultations, sends his SamCart link, and customers checkout there. They then get an automatic email receipt from SamCart where Remiah can continue to make offers after making a sale from within that email. Imagine having to go through all those steps with the technology we have today. There's no excuse for that. Why would you need more than one page? “I can push out a one-pager in SamCart in 10 minutes if I need to.” Remiah knew that one page was enough, and SamCart was the tool he needed to make his life easier.

“You guys have the perfect one page. I said, ‘I’m going to model that. I’m going to start doing one-pager websites, because it works...I created a one-pager on SamCart, and I modeled the perfect one page in my pitch in my approach and everything, so thank you, guys. I modeled you.” It's super humbling to know a world-class designer was inspired by our design. His top seller is his one-pager that he offers exclusively through SamCart. “It just changed my mindset to say, 'You don't need all the fluff.'"
SamCart Removes the Hate
“It’s really a no-brainer tool. It helps you to simplify your business where you can focus on selling and marketing and all the backend accounting stuff that we hate, you don’t have to worry about that. They’re taking care of that part, and they’re making it fun to do.”

Don't you hate doing stuff you hate? We hate that, and we'd hate for you to have to do that. Business should be fun, and SamCart's dashboard is like a toy store for those who want the most comprehensive data at their fingertips. Our integration engine alongside our new API allows SamCart to connect to other applications you might be using for your business, making the best even better. "That's one of the funnest things, to see how many people came to the page, and did it convert? I'm like, ‘Wow this is converting at 20%, 30%. This is only at 3%. What's different about this than this?’ It kind of tells me, ‘Okay your marketing here is on point. You’re marketing over here sucks.’” Knowing Remiah is crushing it and getting recurring revenue is just icing on the cake for us. He's at the point where if he didn't sell a thing this month his business would still bring in $10,000 in recurring revenue. That sounds like fun, too. Who can hate that? Remiah has used monthly payment plans to his advantage, and knowing that SamCart's Subscription Saver available on our Scale plan keeps track of failed payments has made life easier for him, because it was saving him time and money. "SamCart has recovered at least $2,000 to $5,000 of payments on a monthly basis. That’s a lot of money." In the past, if he got a failed payment, there was always a chance that he would forget about it for a month or two, so upgrading was an easy decision for him. It saves him time and money. He doesn't have to manually track down those failed payments anymore. "I have less risk, because SamCart is doing all the heavy lifting."
Give Customers What They Want
“One thing I love, too, is the Pay What You Want (PWYW) feature. I do a lot of masterclasses that I normally would do for free. I would normally do this for free. Now I just say you can pay what you want, minimum $1...most people pay $1. Some people pay $17. Every once in a while somebody pays $100.” He's made $1000 from a free masterclass, and when he adds an order bump, "Like an eBook, a $7 eBook now your orders are $8 versus $1.” Order bumps have also made monthly subscriptions an easy choice for his customers, and even though his online business is bringing $10,000 per month, he's still making tweaks. "I still haven’t set up my funnels completely yet. I haven’t set up my back offers yet, so I know that there are more levels to continue to go.” Remiah is a natural community builder, so getting traffic isn’t a huge obstacle for him. There are different ways to get traffic. “I'm like 80% organic. I don't do a lot of ads. I don't do a lot of Facebook ads.” He does social shoutouts where he pays other popular pages to mention him. He also goes live five days a week at 9 a.m. Central Standard Time with the Freaking Amazing Business Show, which helps build his community through teaching and inspiring. “I have a text list. I get people on my text list, on my email list, and then from there, I just keep inviting them back into my world, and when they're ready to do business, I’m here. I'm ready." He's proof that you don't need millions of followers and subscribers to run an online business. "Ten people is enough to sustain a business if you have the right business model."
Be Your Customers' Mission-Driven MVP
“My mission is to get 100 entrepreneurs to six figures.”

Remiah operates with a servant's spirit. “Make sure you’re giving them value. Make sure you’re helping them to solve a problem.” If you want to learn more about Remiah, stop by and Tell him we sent you.
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