How Cara Stein Made $180,000 in 12 Months

July 29, 2021

We’re really privileged to work with the people we do, and learn more about their stories. It’s one of the most fun parts of being at SamCart, and today brings more good stuff. Cara Stein is an author and course creator who has always been prolific at making words dance on a page. Knocking out a book was a walk in the park for Cara. Selling that book (before SamCart) was a trek through the desert that took years. A lot of people struggle with this. They’re great at what they do, but monetizing that talent and knowledge can be challenging and really discouraging. Cara didn't let that stop her.

Bring Your Dream to Life

Thankfully, Cara didn’t give up. She stumbled upon SamCart and now things are a lot different. “I’ve been trying for years to have a business where I don’t have to work all the time, and trade time for money. That’s the dream right? Well that’s my reality now.” Cara uses SamCart to sell her own books, and she’s even added digital trainings to her arsenal since SamCart has made selling so simple. In the beginning her goal was to create a business that would cover her monthly business and personal expenses which were about $6,000 total, $72,000 for the year. That’s a nice-sized goal. She blew past that goal in less than six months. “I made more in my first four months with SamCart than I did in the entire year before that.”

“I made more in my first four months with SamCart than I did in the entire year before that.”

In her first 12 months with SamCart, Cara sold $181,697.50 worth of books, trainings and services through her account. That comes out to about $500 per day. It all started with one book.

Cara’s journey started with one step. She took our 1-Page Masterclass, and it helped her discover a new approach to growing her bottom line. “After going through the 1-Page Masterclass, I stopped thinking of advertising as an expense. All of the sudden I could actually get started with $100 or $200. Bring in some sales, and then have it pay for itself to keep growing.”

Selling Should Stay Simple

Cara’s business is marvelously simple. She drives traffic to one SamCart page which sells a $27 eBook geared toward helping other authors. She uses a single order bump to offer some extra resources to each customer, and 39% of Cara’s customers choose to take that extra $47 offer. Which means this one order bump boosts her revenue by a whopping 67%!

“The order bumps have been a very big deal for me. I don’t think I would have thought of doing that on my own. It’s very simple for my customers, and works like crazy.” Cara’s entire business has been built off of one single page, and she is thrilled about it. “People say you can’t build a business this way, running ‘cold traffic’ straight to a sales page, but that’s exactly what I’m doing.” Simplifying her entire business has fueled her growth. “The shift away from feeling like I have to build big complex things in order to sell has changed everything. There’s not a million things to diagnose. It’s incredible.” That one eBook leads every new customer down a path where they discover Cara’s other books and services. Anytime Cara wants to introduce something new to her growing audience of customers, she duplicates her favorite page, changes some bullet points and emails it out to her readers.

Choose the Right Tools

SamCart’s Scale Plan has helped Cara create custom payment plans for different clients, as well as introduce recurring memberships for new sources of revenue. Cara takes advantage of the ability to accept credit cards and PayPal to every customer, which SamCart’s database shows is a 17% boost to conversions. She can also accept payments from digital wallets like Apple Pay, Google Pay and Microsoft Pay. There’s a whole host of features that make Cara’s business easier to run, convert more customers, and boost her profits like the Subscription Saver feature on the Scale Plan. For customers who pay for a monthly subscription or take part in a payment plan where the cost of a product or service is split into multiple payments, the Subscription Saver makes it possible to follow up on any failed payments without doing any extra work. You can read more about the Subscription Saver here.

Plant Seeds Now Enjoy Fruits Later

“Basically it took me two weeks to build a thing that has made me $181,000, and it wasn’t ‘hard labor’ two weeks! It was like a casual two weeks.” If you want to learn more about Cara, head to To see how you can simplify your own business, head to to get started for free today. You can open up your SamCart account for free, get a live demo of what SamCart can do for you.

Sell More, Easily

Selling should be simple. See how Cara and thousands of other folks are simplifying how they sell, and unlock more profit in the process. Head over to the SamCart pricing page, and get your own account for free.

Get A Demo Of SamCart Today

If you’d like to speak with a member of Team SamCart, and get your questions answered by a real, live human (available seven days a week), you can sign up for a live SamCart Demo right here.