How To Create Private Affiliate Links

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Published on
April 6, 2017
Updated on
April 25, 2023
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Samcart editorial team
Brian Moran
Samara Lemon
VP of Marketing
Leilani Thomas
Sr. Marketing Manager
Scott Moran

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The SamCart Affiliate Center is now equipped with private affiliate links! So the next time you are hosting a promotion with that one affiliate, I think his name is James, you can make sure that James is the only affiliate who gets to promote. For every link you create in the SamCart Affiliate Center, you control exactly who has access to it. Check out this quick video from the SamCart YouTube channel to see this new feature in action...

Creating Affiliate Links

The SamCart Affiliate Center puts you in control. It is simple enough that anyone can use it. But it has the advanced features (like private affiliate links) to get the job done. Let's see exactly how it works... Let's say you want your affiliates to be able to promote your homepage. Jump into the SamCart Affiliate Center, and create a new link by choosing two simple settings.

  • Name: SamCart HomePage
  • Destination:
SamCart Affiliate Link

That's it. Click save, and you're done. When your affiliates login to their account, they will have their own unique affiliate link to send traffic to your homepage.

Keep Affiliate Links Private

But what about links that you do not want every affiliate to promote? Like that webinar you are doing with James. You know James, right? Your hypothetical affiliate from the video. Great guy. If you are putting on a promotion with one affiliate, you do not want other affiliates snooping around. You want that link to be private, restricted to James' account. Well now, your SamCart Affiliate Center has you covered.

SamCart Affiliate Center Private Affiliate Link

Choose which affiliate you want to have access to this link from the dropdown menu. It is as simple as that. Wether you want to grant access to some affiliates, all affiliates, or one affiliate, SamCart's Affiliate Center has you covered. This new feature gives you the flexibility to control your affiliate program with ease. The more control you have over how your affiliates promote, the more involved affiliates can be in your business. The more affiliates are involved in your business, the more stuff you are going to sell. Just another way that SamCart is helping you grow your bottom line.

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Samcart Editorial Team
Brian Moran
Scott Moran
Samara Lemon
VP of Marketing
Leilani Thomas
Sr. Marketing Manager

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