9 New Updates From In-App Refresh

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Published on
September 17, 2024
Updated on
December 11, 2024
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Samcart editorial team
Scott Moran
Brian Moran
Samara Lemon
VP of Marketing
Leilani Thomas
Sr. Marketing Manager

If you're selling digital products online, you need more than a pretty way to deliver your content. You need an easy way to boost conversions, maximize customer value, and run your business without worrying about technology.

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Today your SamCart Marketplace is getting a refresh. We have been listening to your feedback and are thrilled to deliver nine brand new updates inside of your marketplace. These updates make SamCart easier to use for you and your team. They include a little bit of everything; new customer data, support for physical product sellers, quicker access to your favorite actions, and more.

1) New Sidebar Menu

Item number one is the new left sidebar menu. We've taken a couple different tabs and rearranged them to better fit how you use SamCart. The biggest changes are the brand new Customers, Orders, Subscriptions, and Apps tabs.

The new customers tab is a dedicated place for you to see all of your individual customers. You can sort by lifetime value, use elastic search to quickly find a specific customer, or export customers based on their order history.

The orders and subscriptions tabs are pretty self-explanatory. You told us that you want more direct access to orders, without clicking through other menus to get there. Thus, the orders tab is here to do exactly that. The same goes for subscriptions. See all subscriptions, filter by status, export all your new trials, or locate your oldest subscribers.

The Apps tab is your way to access the new SamCart App Marketplace. We'll cover that one in depth here in just a second.

2) "Quick Actions" for Customer Support

All over the app you will find a brand new "Quick Actions" menu. When looking at orders, the quick actions will allow you to resend receipts, add new products to the order using the card on file, or even refund the entire order. Quick actions are designed to save you and your team time, by giving you fast access to the things you do most often for your customers.

Anytime you see the three dots at the end of a row, you can click to access the quick actions for that object. Be sure to let us know what other actions you would like to see added to these shortcut menus. Enjoy all those extra clicks you are saving, and don't go spend them all in one place.

3) Customer Records

Item number three is we made it easier for you to see a customer's full order history in one place. When you are looking at an order or a subscription, click the customer's name to be taken immediately to that customer's full record.

Each customer record will show someone's full order history, exactly how much they've spent with you, how much they've refunded, their cards on file, their address, and more.

You can leave comments. You can add tags to find this customer later. This page has all the tools you need to give better service to each and every person who buys from you.

4) Customizable Reports

You can now choose what columns you want to be present in your own reports. The Orders tab, Subscriptions tab, Customers tab, and a bunch more important tables now all have this unique ability.

So you can choose which columns to hide, and which to display. Once you're done choosing, export your data with one simple click.

5) New App Marketplace

My personal favorite update from today is the new SamCart App Marketplace. This is where all of your connections with third party tools now live.

SamCart is your e commerce engine that lives at the middle of your business. The App Marketplace is where you can connect that engine to all of your favorite tools for email marketing, product delivery, membership, courses content, and more.

Search for apps in the App Marketplace, and connect to start create integration rules that automate your core business tasks. Click over to the Installed tab to see all the apps you have successfully connected with. Then configure the integration rules that will automatically deliver courses to new students, add tags, move contacts to different emails lists, and more.

The SamCart Courses App and the SamCart Customer Hub now have their permanent home inside of the App Marketplace. Both of these apps are included for free with every SamCart plan.

6) Condensed Integration Rules

Once you have installed apps for your favorite tools, you can create integration rules. All integration rules you create can be seen and managed from right inside of the App Marketplace.

Integration rules are simple if/then statements that help you automatically run tasks when certain SamCart actions occur. Rules can be either global or specific to certain products. Here are some examples of integrations rules you might create.

  • When Product A is purchased, add the customer to a list in Hubspot.
  • When Subscription B is cancelled, remove access to a course in Kajabi.
  • When a failed charge happens, add a tag inside of ConvertKit

All of your integration rules can be seen, and managed from one place here in the App Marketplace. You can learn more about what actions are available in our help article for the new App Marketplace.

7) Full Integration Logs

Right below the integration rules, you will find full logs of all of your integration actions. You can come and view the logs for each and every integration action. See if the integration actions have succeeded, failed, or if your integration needs a refresh.

Provide better customer support with insight into exactly what happened to each customer after their order was placed. Stop your automations from failing when you can identify problems faster. Instantly reconnect bad integrations with one click of the refresh button.

SamCart is giving you more tools to keep your business running hot, straight, and normal.

8) Global Checkout Branding

For the next few items, we will visit your SamCart Marketplace Settings. This global settings area has a few new tricks up its sleeve to help make it easier to make mass changes to your entire account. We'll start by looking at the brand new Branding tab. This Branding tab gives you one place where you can edit all of your SamCart checkouts' look and feel in the same place.

You can change your checkout's font. You can change the font color. You can change the checkout button text or colors. You have a single place to add your terms and conditions. Changes here will instantly effect all of your SamCart checkouts. Eliminating the need to open each product individually to make these sort of changes.

New Home for Tracking & Analytics

In the Marketplace Settings sidebar, you're also going to see the new tracking and pixels tab. This is where you can integrate with Meta, Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics. These smart conversion tracking integrations only require you to paste in your pixel IDs. SamCart takes care of reporting your sales back to those dashboards.

This is also the new home for adding third party scripts and pixels to the header or footer of all of your SamCart checkouts.

Custom Checkout Fields

The new Custom Fields tabs allows you to create and manage all your custom checkout fields in one place. Use this tab to create text fields, dropdown menus, checkboxes, and more that you can add to your SamCart checkouts. Push past the limits of simply collecting each customer's name and email. Use custom fields to capture whatever information you need with each order.

Custom Domain Marketplace

The Custom Domains tab is where you can add your own domain name to your SamCart checkouts. So your customers never have to leave your URL just to place their order.

You now can search and buy your own domains thanks to our new partnership with Name.com. So if you don't have a domain, search for one you like, and buy it without ever leaving your SamCart account.

9) New Physical Product Support

The final update is sort of a "two for one". Your SamCart Marketplace now has 2 brand new areas that are designed to help sell more of your physical products. While these last updates could be used to sell digital products, they were created based on feedback from our physical product creators.

Shipping & Handling Zones

Shipping & Handling can now be managed from Marketplace Settings. You can configure custom shipping zones. Shipping zones decide what to charge shipping & handling when someone from that zone buys one of your physical products. These zones are now far more granular, allowing you to set rules at the sate or provincial level.

Instead of charging the same flat fee to every customers across the United States, you can create shipping zones for each state individually. Or like the screenshot below, you could set one zone for the continental 48 states, and a separate zone for Hawaii and Alaska.

These shipping zones also give you the ability restrict orders to certain parts fo the world. If you do not have a shipping zone configured for the state of Texas, then no visitors from Texas will be able to place an order. Use shipping zones to restrict orders to places in the world you do not want to ship to.

Finally, you now have the option to set a Free Shipping Threshold. Where any orders over a set dollar amount will automatically receive free shipping. Another feature that came direct from your feedback!

Inventory Management

And last but not least, the new Inventory tab. Inventory allows you to set a number of available quantity for a product. When that quantity runs out, you can either choose to close down the checkout, build a waiting list, or continue to accept new orders.

You can adjust your quantity anytime from this menu, or by opening a specific product's settings. Inject real scarcity into your offers with real quantity options.

Deploy SamCart's CheckoutOS Today

 If you're not using SamCart to grow your sales right now, start a free trial today. Get the only ecommerce platform built for creators, by creators.

Or if you would like our team to get you setup on SamCart for you, click here to talk with one of our Implementation Specialists today. Let our team do the work for you of migrating your business over to SamCart so you can get awesome new features like this and everything else SamCart has to boost your sales.

Samcart Editorial Team
Brian Moran
Scott Moran
Samara Lemon
VP of Marketing
Leilani Thomas
Sr. Marketing Manager

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