SamCart: Now Sending HTTP POST

November 5, 2014
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*Update: View the details of our Notify URL by visiting our knowledge base article here

An introduction to the notify URL

We have heard from a lot of you guys saying that you needed this feature added, but for those of you who haven't asked yet, here's a quick overview of what this feature means for you. Basically, the notify URL allows you (or your developers) to immediately receive order data and write custom logic to process that data. You can find the "notify URL" in your Product page.

What this means for you

With this new functionality, our users are going to be able to pass data from their shopping carts to their affiliate platforms, CRMs and more. It will help tie SamCart even more tightly into your marketing funnels!  This also means that we will be able to get more integrations up and running at a faster clip!

How can I use this?

The notify URL will receive an HTTP POST as soon as an order is complete with the order data. Here's some example code to get you started:  

Where to find it

The notify URL field is found in your product settings, on the right hand side just below the thank you URL field. Simply enter the URL, hit save, and you are good to go.  [caption id="attachment_676" align="alignleft" width="300"]

How to set up HTTP POST in SamCart

Where to set HTTP POST URL.[/caption]

What's next?

As we continue adding features and functionality, you will continue seeing new blog posts announcing what we are working on and what you can look forward to! Let us know below if you will be using this feature and if you have any questions!  


What are the benefits of using HTTP POST?

HTTP POST allows you to immediately receive order data and write custom logic to process that data.

How do I use HTTP POST with SamCart?

To use HTTP POST with SamCart, you will need to enter the notify URL in your product settings. The notify URL field is found in your product settings, on the right hand side just below the thank you URL field. Simply enter the URL, hit save, and you are good to go.