13 New SamCart Updates Released In June

July 3, 2018
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New integrations. New reports. New customization options. It's been a busy month for new SamCart updates! We're getting our fireworks lined up, and lighting up the grills for the 4th of July! But before we take the date off, let's walk through a quick recap of the new updates inside of every SamCart Marketplace.

13 New SamCart Updates From June

Some are big, some are small. But all were designed to help SamCart customers win back hours of their own time, attract more customers, and grow their bottom line. Some help with tracking, so you can measure your results and uncover what channels are actually bringing in your sales. Others help with automating your business, integrating your favorite tools closer together. So let's dive in...

1: Kajabi Integration

Partner the best checkout pages and payment management solution with the best content delivery using the new SamCart + Kajabi integration. Use the new SamCart Integration Engine to create custom integration rules that automatically add new customers to your Kajabi site, and grant them access to your premium content.

SamCart Shopping Cart Integrates With Kajabi Membership

Want to protect your content? Easily create rules that automatically revoke access if a customer decides the cancel their subscription, or refund the order. So your content is always perfectly protected! Customers have instant access to exactly what they have purchased through SamCart, and only what they have purchased. Not to mention, you win back hours of your own time! Use this integration, and your customer support drops to zero. No more time spent resetting passwords or manually giving customers access to what they bought. The SamCart-Kajabi integrations takes care of it for you.

2: Intercom Integration

Using Intercom to track your customers inside of your app? Maybe just using it to handle customers support or answer questions from your homepage? Well now you can integrate SamCart with Intercom to track your customer's purchase history!

Integrate SamCart with Intercom

Use SamCart's Integration Engine to build your own custom integration rules. Add or remove as many tags as you want anytime your customer does something. Bought a new product? Add these tags. Started a new subscription? Add these tags, remove this one. Subscription was cancelled? Let's add a new tag. A few simple rules, and your contacts in Intercom will always be perfectly in sync with what your customers are buying. So you can segment your audience perfectly, and get even more value out of your Intercom account!

3: Self-Cancel Subscriptions

Have too many customers to manage? Allow your customers to manage their own subscriptions by using SamCart's new self cancellation feature.

SamCart Customers Manage Own Subscriptions

One button in your account allows your customers to easily bring up their active subscription, and even cancel it without needing an ounce of your time. Eliminate a huge chunk of customer support, save money, and win back more of your own time with new subscription self cancellation by SamCart.

See a live Demo of SamCart

4: Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking

If you aren't tracking, you aren't growing. SamCart's new integration with Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking allows you to automatically send over all of your customer's purchase information right to your Google Analytics account.

Pass SamCart Order Information To Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking

So you can add your most important data (sales!) to your Google Analytics tracking! Uncover where your sales are coming from. Perfectly measure your ROI from organic traffic, social media, or any other channel. Connect Google Analytics to your SamCart Marketplace, and SamCart takes care of the rest! Automatically formatting every order, and sending it directly to your Google Analytics dashboard. Tracking your entire business just got easier.

5: UTM Parameter Tracking

Speaking of tracking... Every SamCart Checkout Page now collects UTM Parameters. So if you are using UTM Parameters to track your traffic, you can now track all of your sales with SamCart! UTM Parameters allow you to see exactly where your sales are coming from.

Capture UTM Parameters on SamCart Checkout Pages

Use UTM Parameters to see exactly where your sales are coming from. Track sales back to exactly which blog post was visited. See which email in your follow-up campaign is actually generating sales. Uncover which ad campaign (or even which individual ad!) is bringing in the most customers. With UTM Parameter tracking in place, you can discover exactly where your sales are coming from. So you can spend more time on your winners, and stop wasting time on strategies that aren't bringing in revenue.

6: Charges Report

This brand new report provides you with individual line items for every charge that runs in your entire SamCart Marketplace. One time charges or subscription, order bumps or one click upsells, credit card or PayPal, it's all right there for you. Export this new chart to get all of the raw data in your hands. Dive in to find out exactly where every dime of your revenue is truly coming from. Uncover what subscriptions are collecting the most sales month after month. Analyze your revenue for year-end tax numbers. Run reports on what offers are succeeding, and where the bulk of your refunds are coming from.

7: Subscription Charges

Want to know what to expect from your subscriptions this month? Check the new subscription charge report. See a line item for every active subscription in your account, and see exactly when the next charge is scheduled to run. See every subscription scheduled to run today, tomorrow, this week, etc. Get a handle on the subscription revenue in your business, eliminate the guesswork and make better business decisions armed with the knowledge of what revenue you are going to collect this month.

8: Order Summary

Ever had a customer confused about their order? With SamCart's new Order Summary, your customers will always be crystal clear about what they are buying. So you can eliminate confusion, and close more sales.

SamCart Order Summary Increases Conversion

Every SamCart Checkout Page now shows your customer a comprehensive summary of what they are buying, before your customers place their order. No more confusion about prices, which products they are buying, added costs for shipping, or wether their coupon correctly applied the discount they want. One look at the SamCart Order Summary, and your customers know exactly what they are buying.

9: Passing Order Info To Thank You Page

Want to pass a customer's information on to your Thank You Page? Well now you can. Use any of the new macros available to send information like customer name, email, order id number, and more on to your Thank You Page after an order is placed. Use your own custom scripts to display an order summary, add information to your own tracking, or even create a new account with your app.

10: ConvertKit Order Info

The latest news from The Artist Formerly Known As ConvertKit (name changed effective July 1st) is the ability to track a subscribers purchase history. So naturally, SamCart jumped all over that. SamCart's integration now passes a lot more than tags back to ConvertKit. Each new order includes information about a customer's purchase, so you can use purchase history to get even more out of your ConvertKit account. More information means better segmentation. Better segmentation means more sales.

11: Test Marketplace Emails

Here's a fun one...send test emails to yourself! One click and you can send test emails for Order Receipts, Refund Notifications, Subscription Cancellation Notifications, and everything else your SamCart Marketplace can email your customers about. No more guesswork. See exactly what your customers see!

Send Test Emails from your SamCart Account

12: Custom Fields Required

Did you know you can create Custom Fields for your SamCart Checkout Pages? Collect information like t-shirt size, appointment time, additional notes about an order. If you need more information than just the normal billing address, email, and credit card number, you can use SamCart Custom Fields to create whatever you need. Well now, you can make sure that customers provide an answer to your Custom Fields by making them required on your SamCart Checkout Pages. Click one checkbox, and your customers will have to fill out your Custom Fields before placing their order.

13: Custom Fields In Receipt

Take it one step further, and you can also include your Custom Field information in every receipt your customer gets after placing their order. If you are collecting t-shirt size and color, you can choose to include a customer's chosen size and color in their order receipt automatically.

Require SamCart Custom Fields to be filled out

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In the last 12 months alone, SamCart Sellers have sold over $257 Million of their own products and services on SamCart. Find out why by checking out this live demo of SamCart today! Click below, and jump right into a SamCart account and see how this simple tool is helping thousands of business owners save time, capture more customers, and sell more products than ever.

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