Introducing: Affiliate Commission Plans
If you're selling digital products online, you need more than a pretty way to deliver your content. You need an easy way to boost conversions, maximize customer value, and run your business without worrying about technology.

Discover how our Conversion-Driven Checkout Software can increase your sales by 30% or more with lightning-fast, customizable features
Explore Our Checkout SolutionAffiliate marketing helps you expand your business and increase your sales, while connecting with content creators in your field. When used effectively, you can boost your sales dramatically with the help of your Affiliates. But how do you even find Affiliates to work with? Do you have to use a separate Affiliate platform to pay them? And how do you calculate just how much to pay them? If that sounds like a pain that you don’t want to deal with… don’t worry, SamCart has something better in store. We’ve streamlined our current Affiliate Center feature with our latest enhancement: Affiliate Commission Plans. This new feature will allow you to attract Affiliates with flexible commission structures, reward high-performing Affiliates with higher commissions, and leverage your Affiliate network to increase sales from Affiliate channels. Seriously, this feature is a game-changer for Affiliate marketing. You’ll go from being unsure if Affiliates are worth the hassle to confidently leading your Affiliate army in no time. We’re excited to offer this new feature to those on our Scale and Enterprise plans today. PS: Interested in promoting SamCart as an affiliate? Apply here: