7 New SamCart Updates Released in August

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Published on
September 5, 2018
Updated on
November 5, 2024
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Samcart editorial team
Scott Moran
Leilani Thomas
Sr. Marketing Manager
Samara Lemon
VP of Marketing
Brian Moran

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August brought some crushing heat and humidity, so the SamCart team decided to hunker down in the air conditioning and crank out a bunch of shiny new features last month! We focused on ensuring ease of use, expanding SamCart's global reach, and laying the foundation for some forthcoming, game-changing features. Let’s walk through the 7 newest features you can find in your SamCart Dashboard…

1: Silent Subscription Cancellations

Need to stop a customer from being billed again without barring access to your Products or sending cancellation emails? You used to have to jump through hoops and leave your SamCart Dashboard to do so, but not anymore! You can now cancel a customer's subscription without sending any Marketplace Emails, firing any integration events (including Zapier), or any other actions that happen when you normally cancel a customer's subscription. Selecting "Silent Cancellation?" simply stops the customer from being re-billed, without any notifications.

Silent Cancel customers to stop their billing without revoking Product access!

This comes in handy when you have a customer who wants to switch subscriptions, without losing access to what they bought. Just use the Add To Order button to start a new subscription, then Silent Cancel their older subscription in SamCart! The customer's billing will change, without ever being removed from your software or Membership Site!

2: New Subscription Cancellation Report

Up until now, figuring out exactly who cancelled their subscription for a certain product was admittedly not the easiest task. We heard your feedback, and came up with a solution. If you click on the Product Details report for any subscription product, there is now a Subscription Cancellations table which contains a list of each customer who cancelled. You can sort this table by Order ID, Name, Email, Cancellation Source, Start Date, and End Date.

A list of all cancelled subscriptions inside of SamCart

If your business relies on keeping a careful eye on who has access to specific Products, this is a massive deal! We're working hard on keeping you out of spreadsheet applications and in your SamCart Dashboard. This report brings you another step closer to that goal.

3: 13 New Currencies

SamCart is more powerful and easier to use than ever before, and in an effort make our platform available to digital entrepreneurs across the globe, we added support for thirteen new currencies this month. SamCart can now support:

  • USD ($) United States Dollar
  • AUD ($) Australian Dollar
  • BRL (R$) Brazilian Real
  • CAD ($) Canadian Dollar
  • EUR (€) Euro
  • GBP (£) Pound Sterling
  • SEK (kr) Swedish Krona
  • NOK (kr) Norwegian Krona
  • CHF (Fr) Swiss Franc
  • CZK (Kč) Czech Koruna
  • DKK (kr) Danish Krone
  • HKD (HK$) Hong Kong Dollar
  • ILS (₪) Israeli New Shekel
  • INR (₹) Indian Rupee
  • MXN (Mex$) Mexican Peso
  • MYR (RM) Malaysian Ringgit
  • NZD ($) New Zealand Dollar
  • PHP (₱) Philippine Peso
  • PLN (zł) Polish Zloty
  • RUB (₽) Russian Ruble
  • SGD (S$) Singapore Dollar
  • THB (฿) Thai Baht

We’re going to be supporting even more currencies in the near future, so write in to our Support team with your request and we’ll do our best to accommodate you!

4: Fire Tracking Pixels Using Your Own Thank You Page

SamCart's Smart Conversion Tracking and Google Ecommerce Integration are perfect for tracking your sales back to your Facebook and Google campaigns! These tracking features help you get a perfect "dollar for dollar" look at your ROI, and find exactly which campaigns and ads are bringing in sales. Well now we've made tracking even easier! With this update, SamCart can fire any tracking pixels you need before automatically redirecting to your own Custom Thank You Page. So you can let SamCart track all of your sales, while sending your customers to any Thank You Page on the web!

SamCart fires conversion pixels while using your own custom thank you page url

This gives you significantly more versatility in where you send your customers after they complete their order on SamCart.

5: Google Tag Manager Compatible

Speaking of analytics, SamCart's Google Analytics Ecommerce integration now supports any and all Google tracking scripts. Say goodbye to the older Google Analytics code! You can now take the newest script Google provides inside of your account, and drop it right into SamCart. This includes Google Tag Manager tags, legacy Google Analytics scripts, and Google JavaScript Tracking Snippets. So you can drop one snippet of code in, and all of your SamCart order information gets automatically sent into your Google Ecommerce dashboard! If you’re not already taking advantage of Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking, check out our Knowledge Base article to get started!

6: The Customer View

The days of opening multiple windows or clicking between views in your Activity tab are over! You can now access a customer's full history by clicking on their name from anywhere in your dashboard. Open an order, click on the customer's name, and instantly have their entire customer history right at your fingertips. Review their past orders. See all of their active subscriptions. Get their Lifetime Customer Value. All the information you need on your customer, in one convenient location. The customer name in every order pop-up and full order page is now a clickable link that takes you directly to the corresponding Customer page.

Go from an Order to the Customer page in a single click!

How often does a customer’s name on a new order sound familiar? Now, just click their name and have their entire customer record appear before your eyes. It’s a little change with huge time-saving effect.

7: ConvertKit On The Integration Engine

ConvertKit is one of the most powerful email marketing tools available, which is why we’re thrilled to announce that it can be used with our new Integrations Engine. The new Integration Engine makes it easier than ever before to create custom integration rules in your SamCart Marketplace. Creating your own custom rules provides a huge amount of flexibility! Pick and choose exactly what actions you would like to run when different events happen in SamCart (ex: New Order, Subscription Cancellation, Subscription Charge, etc.). If you haven’t already gotten in touch with Support to have the BETA Integrations Engine enabled on your Marketplace, do so today!

See a Live Demo Of SamCart

In the last 12 months alone, SamCart Sellers have sold over $257 Million of their own products and services on SamCart. Find out why by checking out this live demo of SamCart today! Click below, and jump right into a SamCart account and see how this simple tool is helping thousands of business owners save time, capture more customers, and sell more products than ever.

See a Demo of SamCart!
Samcart Editorial Team
Brian Moran
Scott Moran
Samara Lemon
VP of Marketing
Leilani Thomas
Sr. Marketing Manager

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