How to Optimize Your eCommerce Checkout Process for Increased Conversions

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Published on
July 24, 2023
Updated on
December 11, 2024
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Samcart editorial team
Leilani Thomas
Sr. Marketing Manager
Scott Moran
Samara Lemon
VP of Marketing
Brian Moran

If you're selling digital products online, you need more than a pretty way to deliver your content. You need an easy way to boost conversions, maximize customer value, and run your business without worrying about technology.

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Effective eCommerce checkout design and optimization is all about making your checkout process easy, safe, and convenient for customers. Whether it's giving customers the ability to pay the way they want or showcasing your security features on your checkout page, you can optimize your checkout process by reducing roadblocks that lead to abandoned carts. As you focus on improving your checkout page, review our top five eCommerce checkout optimization tips designed to increase conversions.

1. Offer Multiple Payment Options

If you want to increase conversions on your site, one of the most effective ways you can do so is by offering multiple payment options. A 2022 Baymard study found that 9% of users abandoned their cart because a site didn’t have enough payment methods. Since payment flexibility is important to consumers, you’ll want to provide more payment methods than just credit cards.

As you look for a payment processor, ensure it can support payments made through popular debit and credit cards and mobile wallets. You’ll also likely want it to support Pay What You Want and Buy Now Pay Later options, as these payment plans offer extra flexibility for customers. With a payment processor like SamPay, you can accept all these payment methods, making it easier to sell globally and attract a broader range of consumers.

2. Utilize One-Click Checkout

A key principle to eCommerce checkout optimization is making the checkout process as easy as possible for your customers. One-Click Checkout is one tool you can use to give your customers a faster checkout experience. With One-Click Checkout enabled on your site, shoppers only have to enter their shipping and payment information once. When the users return to your site, One-Click Checkout will autofill their information in the payment, contact information, and shipping fields.

By offering One-Click Checkout on your site, your returning customers can take advantage of a seamless checkout process. In addition to improving their experience on your site, it can raise your conversions, as 17% of consumers abandon their cart because of too complicated or long checkout processes. 

3. Don’t Require Users to Sign In to Make a Purchase

Another way you can optimize your eCommerce checkout experience is to allow users to make purchases as a guest. While getting consumers to sign up for accounts on your site is great, requiring new users to do so can reduce sales. For instance, 24% of consumers abandoned their eCommerce shopping carts because a site wanted them to make an account.

Since some consumers don’t want to share so much information with a new company or one they only use occasionally, it’s best practice to allow shoppers to complete a purchase as a guest. With a guest option, consumers won’t have to make a password or enter personal information before making a purchase, helping you appeal more to one-time buyers.

4. Showcase Your Checkout’s Security Features

18% of users abandon their carts during checkout due to concerns about how trustworthy the site was with their credit card information. As customers become more aware of various scams and hacking schemes, they want the sites they shop at to have robust security tools. 

You can set consumers’ minds at ease with trust badges and seals that showcase your site’s security. For example, you can display SSL certificates, Better Business Bureau ratings, payment badges, and logos of the antivirus software you use to securely accept payment information.  

5. Use Checkout Anywhere

Instead of making your customers always have to go to a checkout page to order a product, you can speed the process up with Checkout Anywhere. This SamCart feature allows you to either link to a full conversion-focused express checkout page or embed your checkout within an existing page. These options make it possible for you to monetize any page, anywhere. For example, Checkout Anywhere allows you to embed checkout on your social bio links, Notion, blog, or landing pages. 

In addition to letting you offer checkout on more pages, Express Checkout gives your customers a lightning-fast checkout process. Instead of spending minutes checking out, Express Checkout gives customers a checkout experience that only lasts for seconds. You can also use Checkout Anywhere to enable a checkout pop-up that lets your customers buy from the page they’re currently on without having to navigate to a separate checkout page.

Optimize Your eCommerce Checkout Process With SamCart

As a leading eCommerce platform, SamCart can help you improve your eCommerce checkout design and increase your conversions. With features like One-Click Upsells, Checkout Anywhere, and SamPay, SamCart empowers you to optimize your checkout process with cutting-edge solutions. After you sign up for SamCart, you can implement the tips above to increase conversions and offer your customers a more convenient buying experience.

If you’re interested in seeing how SamCart can optimize your checkout process, sign up for our free trial today.

Samcart Editorial Team
Brian Moran
Scott Moran
Samara Lemon
VP of Marketing
Leilani Thomas
Sr. Marketing Manager

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