How to Build Your Own Business & Equity Before Helping Others

August 3, 2023

You know when you’re on a plane, and the flight attendant insists you put your own oxygen mask on before assisting others in the event of an emergency?

You need to treat your business the same way — prioritizing your own offers, your own customers, and your own profits before all else as you build your digital empire.

This is one of many traits that separate the everyday hobbyist sellers from Creator CEOs. How can you transition from the former to the latter? Learn and embody the 18 laws of a Creator CEO.

“We Will Build Our Business First” is law 14 of the18 Laws of a Creator CEO

You can snag your own free copy of 18 Laws of a Creator CEO and learn what it means to build your own business before helping others.

Practicing the law of “We Will Build Our Own Business First”

One of the biggest traps new digital entrepreneurs fall into is affiliate marketing for someone else. It’s an enticing way to make a quick buck. You’re taught it’s the fastest route to success – that promoting someone else’s business will inevitably help yours.


Building someone else an audience, promoting someone else’s services or products, or recommending someone else’s course or platforms only means you have less time to do the same for your own business.

When we peddle others’ products, we are sacrificing our dreams of becoming a Creator CEO.

So how do you stop peddling for other businesses and prioritize yours instead? Here are two skills you need to develop in order to become a Creator CEO:

  1. Self-motivation: Develop the self-motivation to set goals, track progress, and get to work building your business, your offerings, your audience, and your profits.
  2. Resilience: Build resilience by learning from failures, maintaining positivity, staying committed to goals, and acknowledging that challenges and setbacks are all part of the process.

Read up on The 18 Laws of a Creator CEO

Remember: Affiliate marketing and other “get rich quick” schemes are great if you’re not in the business of building your own empire. Avoid empty promises and focus on building your business from the ground up, then scaling it to bigger and better heights.

This is just one of the 18 Laws of a Creator CEO, but it’s important to embody each one of them. You can learn what the others are by clicking here and downloading your own copy.

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