How to Fodder the Fires of Conversation With Your Customers

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Published on
June 6, 2023
Updated on
December 11, 2024
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Samcart editorial team
Samara Lemon
VP of Marketing
Scott Moran
Leilani Thomas
Sr. Marketing Manager
Brian Moran

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Has your audience gone longer than seven days without hearing from you at any point?

If so – never let it happen again.

Creator CEOs abide by the seven-day rule laid out in Law 9 of the 18 Laws of a Creator CEO, which is “We Will Stay in the Conversation”. This rule states that your audience will never go more than seven days without hearing from you, because remaining in – and often leading – the conversation is critical to the success of your business.

It doesn’t hurt that it’s also directly tied to your income.

Everyday hobbyists, on the other hand, will check in with their audience from time to time, but they never actively engage and move beyond converting passive followers into buying customers.

Download your free copy of 18 Laws of a Creator CEO and follow the laws diligently to watch your business scale into the millions, as many Creator CEOs on SamCart have managed to do.

Let’s unpack what it means to stay in the conversation with your audience and give you a few actionable ways to do so:

Staying in the conversation: Why it matters to your audience and your business

Your audiences aren’t just people on a screen – they’re people you’ve generated a relationship with. Nurturing those relationships is equally, if not more important, than acquiring new relationships.

Staying connected and engaged with these audience members who have invested trust and time in you is critical to your success. Why? Because when your audience members trust you, they’re more likely to become a customer – and a happy customer, at that.

It’s important to fodder the fires of conversation much like a regular fire; stoke it and provide it oxygen and kindling, and it stays lit. Let it fade, and you’ll be left in the dark.

So what does this conversation look like?

For one, creating feedback loops is critical to the success of your business: How often, if at all, are you asking your audience what sorts of content, products, goods, or services they want to see? Are you asking them what they need? Are you addressing a particular niche or solving a problem your audience actually has?

Once you’ve put things out in the market they might want to buy, it’s important to personalize the experience for your audience. Things like making products mobile-friendly if they’re smartphone savvy or creating quick downloadable swipe files or templates they can use right away will set you apart from other creators.

Finally, you’ll want to send out at least some communication weekly. More often is better, but your audience should hear from you via social media, email, a text, a sale, or a product launch once every seven days at a minimum.

When you invest in a relationship with your audience, they’re likely to reciprocate that investment with their wallets.

Practicing the law of “We Will Stay in the Conversation”

If you’re not already taking these steps, consider this a checklist. If you are, consider it a gut check to return to and monitor the health of your conversations. Here are four ways to stay in the conversation with your audience:

  1. Start the conversation: Don’t wait for your customer to take the lead. Send a personalized email to  your audience thanking them for their support and asking how you can better serve them.
  2. Give back: Offer a free resource or tool to your subscribers or customers that will help them achieve their goals or solve a problem.
  3. Open office hours: Host a live Q&A session on Instagram or Facebook, where you can connect with your audience in real time and answer their questions or concerns.
  4. Build your community: Reach out to another creator or entrepreneur in your industry and collaborate on a project or initiative that will benefit both of your audiences.

Download now to achieve or maintain Creator CEO status

Trust us when we say that every Creator CEO on the SamCart platform – ourselves included – follows each of these 18 laws. We’re not hobbyist sellers; we’re creators and business owners with aspirations to scale successful businesses.

Download 18 Laws of a Creator CEO.

Samcart Editorial Team
Brian Moran
Scott Moran
Samara Lemon
VP of Marketing
Leilani Thomas
Sr. Marketing Manager

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