HubSpot x SamCart Ultimate Go-to-Market Kit

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Published on
January 27, 2022
Updated on
November 5, 2024
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Samcart editorial team
Scott Moran
Samara Lemon
VP of Marketing
Leilani Thomas
Sr. Marketing Manager
Brian Moran

If you're selling digital products online, you need more than a pretty way to deliver your content. You need an easy way to boost conversions, maximize customer value, and run your business without worrying about technology.

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The Ultimate Product Marketing Go-to-Market Kit

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 HubSpot and SamCart recently collaborated to create The Ultimate Product Marketing Go-to-Market Kit [Free Templates]. These free resources will get your ducks in a row, and set you up for your biggest launch yet.   Make sure to download these free resources today, and keep them at your side. These will come in super handy when it’s time for you to go to market with your next big launch.  This kit is geared toward growing teams, but even solo sellers and creators might find these downloads useful.   These are Microsoft Word and Excel docs you can fill out however best works for you. This is a launchpad for you and your team in case you need some guidance.

The Product Marketing Go-to-Market Kit includes:

  • - Product Launch Planning Template
  • - Product Update Email Templates
  • - Product Roadmap Template
  • - Product Lifecycle Mapping Template
  • - SWOT Analysis Template
  • - Sales Plan Template

 Let’s go over the six templates that make this kit a must-have for your online business.  

Product Launch Planning Template

The Product Launch Planning Temple lists the steps and tasks that need to be completed for a successful launch. You can track who is in charge of each task along with progress, assets, important dates and any concerns you might have.  You can also create, and keep track of your social media strategy to make sure you're getting the most eyeballs when you post to your social media networks.

Product Update Email Templates

These Email templates make it easy to communicate with your team about any updates regarding your products.  All you have to do is copy these templates; delete or replace any of the italicized text, and replace it with the details of your product update. We've included examples and writing prompts to get you going!

Product Roadmap Template

The Product Roadmap Template gives you a simple bird's-eye view of which activities each team will handle throughout the year to make sure your launch is successful.

Product Lifecycle Mapping Template

Every product is in one of the following stages.

  • - Development
  • - Introduction
  • - Growth
  • - Maturity
  • - Saturation
  • - Decline

 The Product Lifecycle Mapping Template makes it easy to identify which stage your product is in, and keep track of any roadblocks or concerns you might have.

SWOT Analysis Template

Every business and product should have a SWOT analysis. A SWOT analysis looks at four key areas.

  • - Strengths
  • - Weaknesses
  • - Opportunities
  • - Threats

 What do you do well? Where can you improve? Is there a trend that could have a major impact on your business? This template is great for pointing out where you see your business when it comes to these four areas.  

Sales Plan Template

The Sales Plan Template outlines your team's sales strategy. It breaks it down into 10 key areas common in most sales plans.

  • - Mission and Background
  • - Team
  • - Target Market
  • - Tools, Software, and Resources
  • - Positioning
  • - Marketing Strategy
  • - Prospecting Strategy
  • - Action Plan
  • - Goals
  • - Budget

 We’ve added prompts in here for you as well. Feel free to customize each section however you see fit, and delete anything you feel you don't need.  You can share this with leadership, potential investors and anyone you think will benefit from it.  A lot of thought and care went into putting this kit together. We really hope you get something great out of it.  As your business grows your needs might change, so make sure you have the best go-to-market kit by your side if and when that day comes.   Share this post with anyone else you think might benefit from it, so they can download the free kit it, too!.  Download: SamCart x HubSpot: The Ultimate Product Marketing Go-to-Market Kit

The Time is Now

If you’re a creator looking to launch, and deliver your awesome digital products, then check out our plans, and grab a free demo today. Join 23,000 other creators who have used SamCart to sell more than $2 billion of their own products, goods and services.    

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We have all the tools that can help you sell your digital product with ease, and scale your business to the six and seven-figure level. Make even more money than you thought possible. We’ve created powerful features to multiply your sales.   Our beautiful pre-designed templates help creators launch products faster than ever. SamCart makes running your online business simple.

Samcart Editorial Team
Brian Moran
Scott Moran
Samara Lemon
VP of Marketing
Leilani Thomas
Sr. Marketing Manager

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