AI for eCommerce: How to Multiply Your Reach 2x+ using AI

April 20, 2023

As digital creators and sellers, we need to multiply our reach in order to really multiply our sales.

When you multiply your reach, you’ll grow your audience base, subscriber count — even your social following. Marrying existing proven strategies for growing your business, like publishing quality content often, creating sticky ads that nudge people to take action, or improving search rankings so organic content ranks higher are only made more efficient and effective with the help of AI.

Using AI for eCommerce to 2x+ your reach online is like giving your sales strategy a double-bounce on a trampoline.

Let’s discuss how you can improve those three previously mentioned business growth tactics by leveraging AI tools like ChatGPT:

3 Strategies to 2x Reach Using AI

Automate content creation for a constant workflow of fresh ideas

To really maximize your reach to new and existing customers, you need to be constantly putting out fresh content on different platforms. 

In essence, a content workflow should help you say the same thing 1,000 different ways.

With ChatGPT or other AI text tools, you can create a month’s worth of content in just a few minutes by pulling on a single thread and turning it into multiple ideas. When you have this process nailed down, you can duplicate it time and time again.

Start with ideas that have proven demand

In order to leverage AI to curate a great list of ideas to work from, you have to have some idea of what your target audience wants or needs. Content is only powerful if it can meet the search intent of the folks you want to get in front of, and you need to know their market inside and out.

ChatGPT is super useful here, because you can prompt it to search for popular YouTube videos, Quora or Reddit threads, magazines or newspaper articles, statistics, quotes — anything you can use to formulate ideas around.

Say your target audience includes men ages 40-65 who are avid golf enthusiasts and want to improve their technique: Consider a question they might be asking, like “How can I improve my golf swing?” Using progressive prompts, you can find what content is already existing online for inspiration.

ChatGPT should only be one stop in your information gathering stage. Unfortunately, it can’t help you uncover:

  • Recent google search trends
  • Top TikTok accounts
  • Top podcasts + their subscriber counts

ChatGPT is limited by information up to 2021.

Instead, use these other tactics for finding additional threads and ideas to pull that you can then plug into ChatGPT for the next step:

  • Tiktok organic search
  • YouTube autocomplete
  • Twitter trending topics
  • Google Ad Words keyword planner

Apply those ideas to proven hooks

Once you have these great ideas, you can apply them to all sorts of hooks and kinds of content.

What’s a hook? We thought you’d never ask.

It’s anything that we know is proven to work for growing a business. These hooks encourage someone to read, click, view, download, subscribe, buy — whatever your goal may be. You’ve likely clicked on a few of these yourself.

Here are some you can choose from:

  1. How to…
  2. # Step Process
  3. Quotes From the Pros
  4. Case Study
  5. Top Secrets
  6. Big Mistakes
  7. Top Lists
  8. Big Ideas
  9. Breaking News
  10. Life Lessons
  11. Surprising stats
  12. Behind the scenes
  13. New discoveries
  14. Future predictions

Prompt ChatGPT to give you 10-20 ways to hook your target audience in using the ideas you drummed up from the first step, and ask it to add in a specific call-to-action, such as buy, click, view, watch, or sign up.

Fresh ideas + gripping hooks = Solid content, and you can leverage AI to come up with all of them on your list.

Publish constantly

Now you have these great ideas and you’ve turned them into all kinds of content pieces, like blogs, articles, downloadable assets, video scripts – anything that you can put out into the world to amplify your reach.

Publish them — and do so often.

Use every marketing channel in your arsenal to do so: amplify on social media, distribute to your email list, or even drop them into relevant Reddit or Quora threads. For maximum distribution potential, use these three multipliers to 2x+ your content reach:

  1. Recency - leverage trending topics, events, notable names, even memes
  2. Authority - leverage expert advice from yourself or other thought leaders
  3. Humor - be human. AI can’t do that

Rinse and repeat.

Leverage AI to scale and run profitable ad campaigns quickly

Organic content creation and publication is a long game. Ads are a great way to spark sales more immediately and encourage people to act.

On your main ad publishers like Facebook and Instagram, video content is still king. What holds creators and sellers from publishing more video ads? They don’t know what to say.

AI lets us see what our prospects want to hear. They can see into the psychographic data of who they are and what they want or need. Moreover, when you’ve done the work from step 1 of uncovering audience insights and finding other media they’re interacting with, you can use AI to fill in the anatomy of a good video ad:

  • The Hook & Reel: In the first few seconds, tell your audience something they want to hear. Address a pain point, a shocking statistic, or something that allows them to emotionally connect
  • The Promise: How can you help them? What solution do you offer?
  • The CTA: The call for them to buy, sign up, or take some kind of action

Using the list of ideas you’ve put together, prompt ChatGPT to write a video script for your ad. Of course, go back and put your own voice and branded flair into the mix, but you can create 15-, 13-, even 60+ second video ads that match the above formula.

A little secret for you: Facebook uses its own internal AI to serve your ad as effectively and affordably as possible. When you use AI to do the heavy lifting on ad creation, you can rely on it again for distribution. That’s a win-win.

Boost Google search rankings and drive more organic traffic with AI

With AI, you can supercharge your SEO.

We already have powerful tools like Google Keyword Planner and other trending keyword generators at our disposal. You can even look to Google’s autofill feature to see what people are searching for, including specific questions or keywords.

When you’re armed with that information, you can dive into ChatGPT and let it do the work to create dozens of blog outlines for easy article generation. With slight tweaking, these outlines are completely usable, and you can save yourself hours of time doing the research and figuring out the best way to format to best SEO practices.

Important note: Avoid watermarking. These are thumbprints that AI leaves on its text that Google and other search engines can easily pick up on and devalue for SEO. It’s fairly obvious when a computer writes an article versus when a human does, so you want to take the inspiration from AI but put your own spin on it.

Maximize Reach with AI on SamCart

It’s one thing to read about the actionable steps you can take to employ AI in your eComm business strategy. It’s another thing to put these steps in motion and watch your reach multiply, then automate your sales process with the best eCommerce tool on the market.

SamCart enables you to create, host, and sell all of your products on one, user-friendly platform. Pair that with our powerful checkout solutions, conversion-boosting features, and rich analytics, and you’re cooking with gas.

Ready to give it a spin? Try SamCart for yourself with a free 7-day trial. 

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