How Scoob “The SamCart OG” Lanzendorfer is Helping Other Creators Turn Serious Profits

June 27, 2023

Scoob Lanzendorfer is the “SamCart OG”.

“I’ve been with SamCart from the beginning,” Scoob says. “Really early on, I was checking out this guy’s sales page and thought ‘Oh, man, I like this! What is this? Where is this from?’ I found out that it was a SamCart sales page.”

Scoob – a professional motocross racer by trade – saw an opportunity to expand his business with digital products in addition to his in-person coaching services at the Motocross Training Academy

Prior to SamCart, he built a one-page sales funnel and made it work. He quickly recognized that SamCart offered the quick checkout capabilities of a one-page sales funnel, as well as a suite of other tools he could leverage to boost profits.

“I was upselling and order bumping before I even knew SamCart offered those things.”

His first digital product was an eBook, detailing tips and tricks for jumping and turning and sharpening other motocross skills on the course.

His audience, naturally, ate it up. 

He promoted the eBook using Facebook ads and garnered a massive following. “The demand was so strong, people started asking for a full-blown course. I didn’t have a course, but I was able to start selling it before I even built it! My customers just told me what they wanted to learn, then I could go build it.”

And build it he did – on SamCart.

In fact, Scoob recognized he could create any product his customers wanted, create a funnel, and sell it on SamCart. “I started to get people who bought my eBook into a conversation. I eliminated friction by starting a convo over Zoom or chat to let them know I had a training facility they could come to – or anything else they wanted. I’d make stuff up on the fly! Then, I’d create it on a SamCart one-page sales funnel and immediately sell it to them. I was upselling and order bumping before I even knew SamCart offered those things.”

Now, Scoob – the SamCart OG – works with other SamCart users to boost profits, increase conversions, and sell anything.

“That’s why I love SamCart for a one-page sales funnel because it helps me remove the friction. When you do that, you can make as many sales as possible.”

Nothing fires Scoob up more than getting on a call with someone who uses SamCart and watching their lightbulbs go off as they see the possibilities. No matter what you sell or what industry you’re in, he’ll show you a better, faster way to net more sales. “Take as much friction out as possible,” says Scoob. “That’s why I love SamCart for a one-page sales funnel because it helps me remove the friction. When you do that, you can make as many sales as possible. SamCart allots you a mobility, quickness, and speed that no other platform can.”

While his business involves improving creators’ sales, Scoob credits SamCart to changing his own life:

“It has changed my life completely. I’ve been able to travel the entire world – I have a prince in Iraq asking me to come [to my training course]! That eBook and SamCart changed my entire life.”

His advice to creators who want to mirror his success? “GO. START. LAUNCH. Stop overthinking. The market will tell you what needs to be fixed. Get in a conversation with your customers to figure out what’s really working, then lean into that. Fix what isn’t working, make it better, then sell it again.”