7 Classes from Creator Mentors to Grow Your Online Business

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Published on
May 17, 2022
Updated on
November 5, 2024
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Samcart editorial team
Scott Moran
Brian Moran
Samara Lemon
VP of Marketing
Leilani Thomas
Sr. Marketing Manager

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Are you ready to begin monetizing as a content creator or scale your online business? Thankfully, you do not need to trail down this path alone. CreatorU has a library full of videos from mentors and top sellers making 6+ figures in online sales that can help guide the way. Here is a closer look at 7 classes that can help you grow your business as a creator.

1. Facebook Ads Academy

Facebook has 2.93 billion monthly active users—and Facebook Ads can help you reach those within your target market. Taking advantage of this tool can help you widen your audience and reach new customers at the click of a button. So how do you start advertising on Facebook? The Facebook Ads Academy can help. During this crash course, you can learn the exact process one mentor used to scale a $50/day budget into sustainable revenue from increased traffic to their site.

2. The Podcast Launch Formula with Scott Moran

Is your business thinking about launching a podcast? Podcasts offer a unique outlet for creators to share their ideas, build their audience, and even earn extra income from promotional materials. But how do you help your podcast rise through the ranks? The Podcast Launch Formula offers a proven blueprint for launching a new podcast. This exclusive method is designed to help you climb to the top of the charts in the first 7 days! Scott Moran shares the lessons he learned while helping the podcast 5 Minute Marketing achieve more than 1.5 million downloads.

3. YouTube Traffic with Rocky Ullah

With the endless potential for income, many creators are interested in increasing their YouTube traffic. Who better to show you the way than YouTube expert Rocky Ullah (also known as Coach Rock)? In this course, Rocky Ullah shares the tips that helped his YouTube channel earn more than 2 million subscribers and 200 million views in the first 5 years. By guiding you through tips on increasing your YouTube traffic, this course will help you grow your channel and make your videos profitable.

4. The Ultimate Upsell Script

Multiplying your profits as a content creator and business owner often begins with upselling. In fact, upselling is widely known to increase revenue by up to 30+ percent. So how do you upsell? This course will hand you the script! Simply fill in the blanks and apply these principles to your sales. You are sure to have the perfect one-click upsell offer in minutes.

5. The TikTok Growth BluePrint

Growing your presence on TikTok can help you expand brand awareness, share your business with the world, and link customers back to your product pages to improve sales. The TikTok Growth BluePrint is an online course designed to help. Mentor Keith Krance is an entrepreneur with 100K+ followers on TikTok.

6. Organic Traffic With Kimberly Jimenez

How do customers find your online courses, products, or offers? While you can boost sales by paying for ads, organic search offers a free way to funnel revenue to your business. In this course, mentor Kimberly Jimenez teaches creators how to boost traffic and rise through the search engine ranks.

7. Winning Mindset with Jesse Elder

A successful business starts with the right mindset. In this online course, mentor Jesse Elder reveals the secrets used by the most successful business professionals across the globe. With a winning mindset, you can replace your fear with excitement and double (or triple) your income.

SamCart CreatorU: Classes for Creators

SamCart is a platform where creators, influencers, and online sellers can thrive. Our newest offering, CreatorU, offers a library of videos from SamCart co-founders and mentors who earn 6+ figures selling online. We invite you to sign up here to get started today!

Samcart Editorial Team
Brian Moran
Scott Moran
Samara Lemon
VP of Marketing
Leilani Thomas
Sr. Marketing Manager

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