SamCart Review: Simple One Click Upsells

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Published on
September 18, 2015
Updated on
November 5, 2024
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Samcart editorial team
Leilani Thomas
Sr. Marketing Manager
Brian Moran
Samara Lemon
VP of Marketing
Scott Moran

If you're selling digital products online, you need more than a pretty way to deliver your content. You need an easy way to boost conversions, maximize customer value, and run your business without worrying about technology.

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Meet Jason. Jason is a professional financial advisor. He is also the founder of The Wealth Titans. A site dedicated to "teaching hard-working Americans how invest in the stock market successfully".

After creating his first digital product, Jason decided to start selling his new creation on ClickBank. Jason, a self-described "non-techy", does not have the technical skills to use complicated tools. He listed InfusionSoft, Ontraport, and more as a few examples. But everything changed when Jason was introduced to the idea of "upsells"...

How to Triple Your Freedom

While studying "The Big Guys" (i.e. Big-time online marketers) Jason stumbled into a huge realization.

"Upsells" are an essential part of any thriving, growing, profitable online business.

Jason credits funnel expert, Todd Brown, as the first person to prove that concept. If you want to double or even triple your sales (and your profits), add upsells to your business. Jason realized his "One Product Business" was not sustainable. He needed a simple way to offer extra products and services to his customers. So he set off to find the perfect tool that could help him get the job done.

A Tech Nightmare

Jason quickly moved from ClickBank, to 1ShoppingCart. But the problems he faced were still the same...

"I'm a stock market guy, that's about as 'techie' as I get. For me, the biggest headaches were all the moving components that could go wrong."

Jason is not a coder, so needing to write even a single line of HTML code created problems. He spent hours pouring through blog posts and watching Youtube tutorials. Trying to get Upsell Funnels working on ClickBank or 1ShoppingCart. Sound familiar? His upsells would work some of the time. But more often than not, his checkout process was breaking. And when your checkout process is broken, you are dead in the water. You lose time. You lose customers. You lose money. And heaven forbid Jason ever needed to make even the smallest change...

"If I misspelled one thing, I have to email a tech guy across the country, and wait 48 hours for him to fix a spelling change."

But all that would change when Jason discovered SamCart.

The New Shopping Cart

Jason first heard about SamCart through Todd Brown. Inside of one of his courses, Todd described a "new shopping cart software, where you don't have to code, and can easily make upsell funnels." Jason instantly saw the opportunity.

"I immediately paused the video, and learned everything I could about SamCart. I knew this would save me so much time, money, and headaches."

Jason signed up for his SamCart account that same day. He integrated his favorite marketing tools. And The Wealth Titans' had its first checkout page up and running just a few minutes later.

Jason Whaling SamCart Review Checkout Page

The End Of Outsourced

Since joining SamCart, Jason has been able to ditch overpriced, outsourced tech guys. When Jason wants to test new in his checkout process, he logs into SamCart, and makes changes himself.

"The biggest thing for me is, the ability to make a change to my checkout process, and not have to waste half of my day."

Jason doesn't need to worry if his order forms are broken, or if his upsell pages are working. And he never has to fumble through complicated security regulations either. Ever had to install a Secure Socket Layer Certification ("SSL" for short) onto your website? Purchasing an SSL Certification is a necessary evil to accept credit card orders. But installing one is a major roadblock.

"Securing your own domain is really time consuming, and expensive, and then scary as all get out! SamCart keeps my checkout secure, taking a lot of the liability off of me and my site."

Seamlessly Integrate Your Business

Jason has simplified his entire business by integrating his favorite marketing tools into SamCart. For his email marketing, Jason integrates AWeber with SamCart. All his customers and leads are automatically placed in the right lists.

SamCart Review AWeber Integration Email List

For his membership site, he integrates WishList Member with SamCart. His customers automatically receive access to the products they buy. SamCart ensures Jason's entire business is seamlessly connected. His customers get exactly what they need, when they need it, and Jason spends much less time juggling customer support.

"So instead of having all these tools and 3 or 4 different WordPress Plugins trying to talk to eachother, I just have SamCart."

Watch Jason's full SamCart Review on Youtube here.

Review SamCart Today

SamCart has given Jason his time back. He now has a powerfully simple checkout process, and a tool that keeps his entire business working together. No more complicated tech problems, no more slow outsourced help. Jason can focus more on growing his business. To experience the difference SamCart can make, visit our pricing page to start your 14-day free trial to SamCart today.

Samcart Editorial Team
Brian Moran
Scott Moran
Samara Lemon
VP of Marketing
Leilani Thomas
Sr. Marketing Manager

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