How to Meet Every Customer Where They Are in their Journey

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Published on
August 2, 2023
Updated on
December 11, 2024
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Samcart editorial team
Samara Lemon
VP of Marketing
Brian Moran
Leilani Thomas
Sr. Marketing Manager
Scott Moran

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Customers seek you out when they are most in need, and every customer comes to you at a different place in their journey.

Your job as a creator is to design products or services that help solve a specific problem and put them on the path to success and always have them ready for purchase.

A Creator CEO keeps their doors open and their “shelves” stocked full of products that can change a customer’s life; the everyday hobbyist sells one product and doesn’t evolve to meet the needs of new customers.

“We Will Keep Our Doors Open, Always” is law 13 of 18 Laws of a Creator CEO . Grab your own free copy of 18 Laws of a Creator CEO to level up to Creator CEO-status and learn how to keep your doors open and the customers flowing in through it.

Practicing the law of “We Will Keep Our Doors Open, Always”

When we say “keep your doors open,” that doesn’t mean you have to be online and available to your customers 24/7. 

What we really mean is that you need to keep the door open to customers who seek you out and provide them with things to buy that meet their needs. Whether they’re long-term solutions or short-term gratification, never sell out of options and products or services for people to purchase.

Here’s how to practice Law 13, “We Will Keep Our Doors Open, Always”:

  1. Connect with your customers on a personal level: Creator CEOs remember that every customer is a human first and foremost, and that human has needs and desires. Connecting with them on a personal level helps you understand their journey and what they might need out of your business while creating a stronger bond.
  2. Keep the lights on for your customers: Your business should always have something to offer your customers whether it’s a resource, a bit of content, a coaching session – whatever makes sense for what you’re selling. Even if some products wind down as others pick up, never leave your customers empty-handed.

Learn what other traits Creator CEOs share

“We Will Keep Our Doors Open, Always” is just one of the 18 laws all Creator CEOs follow. Trust us – we watch Creator CEOs generate millions of dollars every year on SamCart.

Whether you want to level up to Creator CEO-status or have a refresher of what it means to be one, download your own copy of 18 Laws of a Creator CEO entirely free.

Samcart Editorial Team
Brian Moran
Scott Moran
Samara Lemon
VP of Marketing
Leilani Thomas
Sr. Marketing Manager

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