How Checkout UX is Changing E-Commerce

May 8, 2023
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The world of e-commerce is constantly changing—and keeping up with these trends can help you maximize profits. Checkout UX is the latest example of how quickly the e-commerce landscape can evolve. 

So, how is checkout UX changing the online marketplace? Our e-commerce experts are here with insight. 

Making Social Media Sales Seamless and Accessible

Social media has become an undeniable powerhouse in e-commerce sales, and it doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. Researchers expect an $80 billion social commerce industry by 2025. 

Checkout UX is the key to compatibility for social media sales. Social platforms are full of quick and instant gratification. To be successful in social commerce, you need to ensure your buying process matches the same high-quality experience. By minimizing clicks and maximizing checkout convenience, it is simple to accommodate buyers across changing social media platforms. 

Evening the Playing Field for Small Businesses

Across industries, larger retailers have a financial advantage over smaller sellers—they can leverage overhead resources to outsell and outperform most competitors. However, advanced e-commerce checkout features are quickly closing this gap. 

Why has Amazon dominated the online marketplace for so many years? Despite countless scandals and ongoing lawsuits, one advantage has helped keep them on top: they let customers buy the products they want at the click of a button. 

Checkout UX features make it simple for small businesses and online sellers to offer this same convenience. From auto-form fills to instant digital product delivery, new checkout features are evening the e-commerce playing field. 

Increasing Conversions, Profits, and Opportunities for Online Sellers

As improved convenience helps the e-commerce industry grow, checkout UX best practices can decide which sellers are profiting. For example, researchers found that a long and complicated checkout process led to cart abandonment for 17% of users, while various web and payment UX issues accounted for an additional 40% of cart abandonment.

Checkout UX helps remove buying challenges, making it easy to increase conversions and profits. While this can also create a more competitive marketplace, it is easy to stay on top with the right tools on your side. 

Encouraging New Developments in E-Commerce Features

When checkout UX first emerged in the world of e-commerce, these improvements were largely inaccessible to online sellers. This challenge encouraged platforms like SamCart to engineer new checkout tools, including:

These checkout UX features have helped significantly improve the e-commerce experience for buyers and sellers alike. Now, you just need to ensure that your e-commerce platform is keeping up. 

Elevating Customer Expectations

New online features and conveniences can quickly elevate standard customer expectations. For example, slow dial-up internet was once a celebrated worldwide sensation. Now, 90% of users will leave a webpage that does not load within 5 seconds. 

The same principles apply to the latest checkout experiences. Once a buyer becomes accustomed to pre-filled checkout forms, manually entering payment details can feel inconvenient and outdated. Additionally, customers might be less prepared to complete these transactions. After all, who needs to memorize their credit card information in the age of auto-fill? 

Thankfully, these elevated customer expectations are easy to accommodate. You can seamlessly integrate the latest checkout UX tools and features on the SamCart e-commerce platform. 

Seamless Checkout UX for Online Sellers with SamCart

When you partner with SamCart’s innovative e-commerce platform and utilize SamPay as your payment processor, you can instantly unlock the latest checkout UX features. Get started with a free SamCart trial or learn more in our free mini-book, The Checkout Automation Blueprint, today! 

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