Forgotten "Trick" Instantly Doubles Customer Loyalty
If you're selling digital products online, you need more than a pretty way to deliver your content. You need an easy way to boost conversions, maximize customer value, and run your business without worrying about technology.

Discover how our Conversion-Driven Checkout Software can increase your sales by 30% or more with lightning-fast, customizable features
Explore Our Checkout SolutionWhat if there was a simple way to make your customers feel all warm and fuzzy inside and never forget you? If you pulled this off...
- You'd sell more.
- You'd be happier.
- Your kids and spouse would love you more (because you'd be working less and spending more time with them)
How A Simple Postcard Made Me a Life-Long Customer
The good news there is a way to pull this off and it takes very little effort. In fact, you could tell your admin or virtual assistant to handle this task for you starting today. [caption id="attachment_393" align="alignnone" width="841"]

a note we sent a customer which resulted in a personal letter from them thanking us for going the extra mile[/caption] Before I tell you how to implement this forgotten trick in your business, let me tell you a quick story. The other day I purchased a software product online. I do this on a regular basis because I'm in the software business myself and I like to try new tools that will help me grow my business. The transaction went smooth and I was granted access to the product. Then I did what most people do. I walked my dog. I took my wife out on the town. I went to bed. I eventually forgot about the software I purchased. If it hadn't been for what happened next, I probably would've never used the product. First, I'll tell you what didn't happen:
- I didn't get an email reminder (it would have been lost anyway)
- I didn't get a phone call from the company (has that ever happened?)
- I didn't get a text message (I probably would've been mad.)
Here's what happened... I walked out to my mail box and there was a beautiful, glossy postcard from the company thanking me for my purchase! Yep. Imagine that. I was truly impressed AND I felt all warm and fuzzy inside. Who would've thought a 4x6 piece of cardboard could make people feel so special. This company definitely achieved top of mind awareness with me. If the product turns out to be good, I'll be a customer for life. Has this ever happened to you? If so, how did it make you feel? If not, imagine how you would feel. These guys did a great job. Let me ask you another question... How would your business improve if you sent thank you cards to your customers? I can tell you from experience on both sides of the coin that it can only help. Every SamCart customer gets a thank you post card from us and the feedback has been awesome. Our customers are blown away and they stay with us.
How To Implement This "Trick" In Your Business
1.) Sign-up for SamCart
SamCart gives you the ability to sell your products quickly and easily. During the checkout process you are able to collect your customers shipping information when they order your product. You can quickly turn this feature on or off, if you're not planning on using their address. This gives you the freedom to decide what information you want to collect when someone buys from you. Pretty cool. [caption id="attachment_377" align="alignnone" width="993"]

a SamCart checkout page with the 'shipping info collection' turned on[/caption]
2.) Send Thank You Postcard To Your New Customers
You will receive an email from SamCart every time you get a new sale. Just grab the shipping info and send them a post card. That's it! You can also choose to forward that address on to whomever you'd like. Maybe you need to forward it to your shipping house so your product gets delivered, or your admin or customer support team so they can follow up later on. It's completely up to you. Here's a screenshot of the information SamCart will collect for you... [caption id="attachment_378" align="alignnone" width="1024"]

a shot of the email you receive with your customer's shipping info from SamCart[/caption] This simple little strategy will go a long way toward making your customers feel attached to your business on a personal level. Most companies don't take that extra step, which means you will stand out from the crowd. That's the end goal, isn't it?
Leave A Comment Below!
Have you ever sent physical mail to your followers or customers? Let me know in the comments below how it worked, or if you haven't yet, what are a couple ideas you could send to make your customers feel great about their purchase?