2 SIMPLE ways to Improve your Sales Process!

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Published on
March 6, 2020
Updated on
November 5, 2024
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Samcart editorial team
Samara Lemon
VP of Marketing
Scott Moran
Brian Moran
Leilani Thomas
Sr. Marketing Manager

If you're selling digital products online, you need more than a pretty way to deliver your content. You need an easy way to boost conversions, maximize customer value, and run your business without worrying about technology.

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Hey guys! Today we are coming at you in a different format, but the same quality content. I want to help you do two things today: DOUBLE your conversion rate, and DOUBLE your sales with existing customers. Let's break it down real quick.

Doubling sales might sound daunting, but here are 4 tips that we have tested and have proven to be helpful.

1. Shorten your checkout process. Instead of having a page for marketing and sales copy and then another page for sales, try combining the two pages into one. This makes the checkout process simpler for your customers, and on average led to a 24% increase in conversion

2. Accept Paypal! Paypal is one of the most trusted forms of online payment and many customers are much more willing to use that vs other payment methods. And the great news is, SamCart has the most advanced PayPal integration out there. On average we saw an increase of 31% just by making this change.

3. Allow customers to break up their payments. This is especially important when you are selling an expensive product. On average, we saw a 17% boost in conversion from making this change.

4. Use SamCart's Split Test Sales Page feature. Try out more than one version of your sales page to see which one converts better. We saw an average 19% boost from customers who used this feature.

Are you keeping track of those numbers? If you implemented these 4 simple tips, you would see an average of 102% INCREASE in conversion! That's how you make doubling your numbers feel much less daunting.

Now let's talk about how you can increase your sales with existing customers. And not just increase, but DOUBLE your sales! Here's what we found:

1. Let your customers add to their order. Think like Amazon; they always offer additional products while you are checking out. Those add ones actually make up 34% of their annual revenue. That's insane! You can use SamCart to do the same thing for your customers. We saw an average of 41% increase for customers who used this feature.

2. Offer order upgrades. This is when you offer your customers a more expensive version of the product they are buying. Customers who used this feature in SamCart saw an average of 18% more sales.

3. Offer an upsale after the customer's order is complete. This looks like offering a customer a one-time deal on an additional product through a welcome email after their transaction is complete. Our customers saw an average of 68% increase in sales when they implemented this feature.

Keeping track of the total? If you use those three simple features on SamCart's sales page builder, you could be seeing as much as 127% boost in sales! You do the math to see what that would mean for your business.

102% increase in conversion? Sign us up. 127% boost in sales? Sign us up for that, too. If you want to see those kinds of numbers in your business, start a free trial of SamCart today.


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Samcart Editorial Team
Brian Moran
Scott Moran
Samara Lemon
VP of Marketing
Leilani Thomas
Sr. Marketing Manager

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