Create, Sell, and Deliver World-Class Courses

You’re in the business of selling life-changing courses. We’re in the business of enabling you to do so.

Create, Sell, and Deliver World-Class Courses
Unlimited Courses and Students

Turn Your Living Room Into a Classroom

Create, deliver, and sell as many courses, on any topic, as you want. The Course App helps you bring them to life so you can sell them to as many students as you want – no limits, no hidden fees.
Seamless Course Setup

Set Up for Success

Create an entire online course within minutes that your students will love with elements like content tiers, lessons, worksheets and quizzes, and dripped content they’ll receive over time.

Personalize the experience by adding your own videos, images, text, and audio.

Create online courses quickly & easily
Online course management software
Easy Student Management

Enroll and Encourage Your Students

Easily accept new students and manage your whole course in the Courses App with comprehensive student management and progress tracking so you can monitor their ongoing success throughout the course.

Course Cross-Sells™

Cross Sell to Sell More

Course Cross-Sells™ let you advertise your other courses and products to your students within the courses they’ve already purchased. They can checkout easily using the payment method from their original order in just one click.

Create more sales opportunities, streamline the sales process, and receive payments instantly, putting more revenue in your pocket.

Cross sell online courses
Easy Student Management

Design Transformative Courses

no more 30%: enroll now

Instead of losing 30% of your students, our new Auto-Enroll™ technology drops them right into their course immediately after they buy. No more complicated login processes, lost passwords, or hours answering angry emails.

Online ecourse library
Featured Courses

Select which courses to showcase at the top of your courses library. Featured courses allows you to advertise your highest-performing courses and gives you complete control of what you highlight to your students.

media library for online courses
Hosted Videos

No more paying a secondary service to host your videos or unlisted YouTube links – now, you can do it all in-house with SamCart’s video hosting partnership with Wistia. Enjoy no upload limits and lightning-fast streaming capabilities.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I create and sell multiple courses using the Course App?
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Yes, there are no limits or hidden fees associated with the Course App. You can create, deliver, and sell as many courses as you want, on any topic. The app is designed to empower you to turn your living room into a classroom and reach as many students as you desire.

How customizable is the course setup process with the Course App?
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The Course App offers seamless course setup with a high degree of customization. You can create entire online courses within minutes, incorporating elements like content tiers, lessons, worksheets, quizzes, and dripped content for a structured learning experience. Additionally, you have the ability to personalize the course content by adding your own videos, images, text, and audio to make it truly engaging for your students.

How can I move my existing courses into SamCart?
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Although there isn't an automated way to migrate your existing courses into our Course App yet, it's just a quick copy-paste and you're done (our early adopters have clocked it in at 2-mins)! Need a little help migrating? Check out our done-for-you services to book a call with our implementation specialists.

Is there an additional cost to use SamCart Courses?
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Nope. It’s baked into all Launch, Grow, and Scale accounts at no extra cost.

What can I integrate Courses with?
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Because the Courses feature is built within the SamCart platform, all existing SamCart integrations are available. See the full list here.

What if I don’t already have a course or product created?
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Totally fine. If you’re starting off with the discounted yearly plan, you’ll get access to our Course Creation Challenge which will walk you through the entire process.

What happens when my yearly subscription renews?
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When your yearly subscription renews, or your trial period ends, you’ll be locked in with unlimited courses and unlimited students for life.

Am I locked into a subscription?
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Absolutely not. You’re never locked into any subscription or long-term contract with SamCart.

How can I see the performance of my course?
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Course creators can track the performance of their courses within their SamCart account. Stats like course progress and quiz completion are available alongside SamCart’s standard product reporting.

Try SamCart Courses

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