How Maurice Bowman went from Homelessness to $1,000,000

October 14, 2021
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Maurice “Runway Billionaire” Bowman’s life is a movie. As a kid he was always into fashion, hence the “Runway”. The “Billionaire” part is self-explanatory. He used to call himself “Runway Millionaire”, but he felt he wasn’t thinking big enough. He figured it was time to set a new goal. After all, he has crossed the seven-figure mark and has even had multiple six-figure days.

Go From Passion to Paycheck

Maurice was always into drawing and tattoos. He started tattooing out of his mother’s house at a young age. She was less than pleased about that. Eventually, he had a private studio. A couple of years later he became the youngest black tattoo shop owner in the world at age 22 and would go on to win awards for the body artwork he created.

He would go on to create more brick-and-mortar businesses. In addition to his tattoo parlor, Maurice had a hair and nail salon, an eyelash studio, a barber shop and an event space.

He was always working and making great money, but he realized that there was only so much he could do in 24 hours. He wanted to make great money, and still be able to be a great husband and father.

Checkout Automation Changes the Game

The 2020 pandemic made him realize he needed an online business he could scale easily. He needed a system that would make his life easier.

Maurice was a marketing genius who knew a lot about credit. He knew this knowledge was what his audience needed. This would be the foundation for the business that would buy his time back.

He released a DIY Credit Repair eBook. It made $500K in five months.

He knew this was a system that could easily be duplicated. Having an automated checkout process allows Maurice to earn more, and do less, or free himself up to do other things he didn’t have time to do before.

Maurice has a spider tattoo that represents putting that system in place (spider web/online business) that does the work for him when he’s not around and provides the reward (food/recurring revenue) when he returns.

He now offers a dozen digital products and services. Though he’s used other tools to sell online, SamCart is his go-to for a one-stop-shop solution.

“This platform just offered so many of the features that I had to go to all these different places to go get.”

His success online has made it possible for him to create even more revenue streams like real estate, trucking and Airbnb rentals.

“I was able to invest in those things from my digital products business that I created online… Scaling with SamCart has allowed me to go and reinvest money, and then be able to generate me some other great things.”

Check out Maurice’s digital product and service stack. SamCart’s checkout automation allows his online business to run itself.

Start Small Scale Big

One of Maurice’s most popular products is a $7 credit improvement tool. It’s actually a piece of a larger course he offers.

We took a look at his sales for this product for the second week in September. If he just sold the $7 product by itself, he would have earned $952. That’s great.

If he added Order Bumps to that $7 product, that would have boosted his sales to $2,557. However, he nearly quadrupled his sales by adding both, Order Bumps and One-Click Upsells.

Maurice's $7 product weekly sales

That’s just one week of sales starting with one small product.

The page for that product took about five minutes to set up. It easily showcased his product and quickly explained its benefits, so customers could get what they needed, and move on.

“I didn’t really overcomplicate the process. I probably changed it around here and there. Like when I got some more testimonials I went and dropped them in there later, but for the most part, it was just a straight shot.”

That $7 product with Order Bumps and One-Click Upsells opened the floodgates for Maurice. He found massive success by stacking multiple Order Bumps. On his very first day of having order bumps in place, someone bought a 15-minute Accelerator Call. That person soon became a $5,000 client for Maurice’s high ticket services.

Here’s a glimpse of some of Maurice’s Order Bumps.

Maurice Bowman Order Bumps

That one Order Bump for the Consultation Call led to an unbelievable number of sales.

“Just from adding that consultation call, being able to get paid for a call that you know that they’re going to show up for, that thing literally allowed me to close $60,000 in my high ticket sales.”

That took less than a week.

“That one-on-one session, that’s a paid session, turned into 60K sales in like four days.”

That one-on-one call is something that he doesn’t even promote. However, the intimacy of it provides so much value. Maybe he’ll start promoting it.

The Secret is You

People want to do business with people they like.

Let’s pretend we’re making a movie. Our main character is a four-year-old boy from uptown Philadelphia. They’re living in a shelter. The boy’s father is nowhere to be found.

One evening the boy tells his mother that he’s hungry and asks for cereal that she brought to the shelter. The shelter would store any groceries people brought in. However, that food could only be accessed during certain times. It was after dining hours, so the boy’s mother couldn’t get any cereal even though she brought it to the shelter…but she was determined.

Mom convinced the staff at the shelter to bend the rules. He got some cereal that night.

Watching his mother not take “no” for an answer was a defining moment for that boy. Decades later, it would fuel the engine that drives him to succeed in life.

Kinda hard not to root for that kid, right?

That kid was Maurice. He overcame all those obstacles. That fear of scarcity was a huge motivator. That would make lots of people operate from a place of hopelessness and anger and understandably so.

Yet, with all that he’s always got the biggest smile in the room and believes in helping others. Not only has he created businesses employing people in his community, but he even helped his wife create her own eBook while she was pregnant. The price was $47. It brought in $807 on the first day of sales. One of his children even has their own book for sale thanks to Dad.

(We’re hoping he has to change his name again).

How will you use your story to connect with your audience?

Check out some of Maurice’s digital products and services. Also check out this great interview with Maurice on the popular David Never Sleeps YouTube channel. Tell them we sent you!

Make Your Business Take Off

SamCart is the selling tool used by over 20,000 businesses like Maurice’s that have sold more than $2 billion of their own products, goods and services. If you want to learn more, head over to, and grab a free demo today.

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